Blog | 04/26/2018 21:00:00 | 2 min Read time

Target 2030: Introducing the Biofore Site concept

Laura Cummings

Director, Health, Safety and Environment, UPM Raflatac

One of the core elements of UPM's Biofore strategy launched in 2010 is the tenet “responsibility is good business”. We recognize that customers, investors, employees and other stakeholders value responsible operations, which is why we created the Biofore SiteTM concept to translate our Biofore strategy into action for UPM Raflatac’s manufacturing operations. 


Our Biofore Sites are not just working to improve operations for the next few years, but they are looking ahead to 2030. But why 2030?

In 2016 the United Nations published 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as part of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This agenda is an action plan aiming to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure all people enjoy peace and prosperity. It calls on governments, the private sector and citizens to help. 

While many organizations are just now exploring how to engage with the SDGs, it was not surprising when in the 2017 annual report, UPM introduced a new set of responsibility targets addressing economic, social and environmental issues that are designed to align with the SDGs and further our Biofore strategy. 

Following our parent company’s lead, when we created the Biofore Site scorecard in 2017, we included UPM’s targets and we mapped the additional UPM Raflatac specific measures to the UN SDGs. This ensures we are focusing on sustainability measures that are most relevant to our stakeholders.

The scorecard has approximately 40 performance measures for UPM Raflatac factory operations. Filled out annually by each factory, it touches on common sustainability measures like waste generation, energy consumption and safety performance, as well as some not-so-conventional measures, like supplier sustainability performance, development opportunities for employees, engagement in community activities and measures of diversity. It covers the three pillars of sustainability: the economic, environmental and social aspects of our operations. 

We aim to make Biofore real and tangible for all our employees. And because they know our operations best, employees can offer the best ideas on how we can improve our sustainability performance and be better neighbours in the communities where we operate.

We’re looking for more innovative ideas and positive results in 2018 as the factory teams make plans and implement projects. We’re excited to be on this new Biofore Site journey and look forward to the discoveries and progress we’ll make along the way.

Here’s to 2030, and beyond!

Read more about UPM Biofore strategy



Laura Cummings

Laura Cummings

Director, Health, Safety and Environment, UPM Raflatac | ”Persistence and perseverance pay off.”
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