Hierarchically organized information helps consumers receive your brand better
I asked Dr. Hurley what he thinks are the most important features on a label that consumers pay attention to before making the decision to purchase. According to him, a successful label will differ with each individual product, but it boils down to:
- Following the Gutenberg Diagram to ensure that content is visually organized in a hierarchy that adheres to the way we view information.
- No more than seven chunks of information on the primary display panel
- Prioritizing your value proposition
What does a great label design do?
Dr. Hurly states that an effective label leverages both top-down and bottom-up processing. Shoppers need to quickly, within a fraction of a second, understand the value proposition of the product. The label should draw the shopper in, instill curiosity, and be irresistible to touch. In line with my previous blog post, he says that “the label is the medium in which the package communicates the brand’s value proposition.”
Ultimately, a label influences the shopper’s decision to purchase. In most physical marketplace categories, touching the package is required make a purchase. The decision to touch is driven by many factors - seduction sparks curiosity.
6 design tips to improve product and brand performance
According to Dr. Hurley’s findings, less is more when it comes to visual elements in labeling. Here are a few useful tips for you to make your products and labels eye-catchingly irresistible:
Consider these:
- Use information (including colors) sparingly; no more than seven chunks of information should be on any single viewable panel.
- A picture is worth a thousand words.
- Minimize fonts and lines of text: no more than two fonts with two weights; no more than seven words per line; and no more than three lines deep.
Avoid these:
- Don't put everything on the front panel. Simply “speak” on behalf of the product.
- Don't forget the power of word-of-mouth. Ask consumers to do you a favor and share their experiences with others.
- Don't launch without testing. Be certain about your label effectiveness through in-store shopper eye-tracking and emotion-tracking research. Knowledge is value and knowing what works and what does not work on the shelf and among your consumers is critical in today’s competitive marketplace.
Helping consumers and putting your brand first is our passion. Get in touch with us today if you have any questions - I’m ready to help you with all of your labeling needs.
Read more:
Gutenberg Diagram — Why you should know it and use it
5 Trends in labeling and package design for home and personal care brands
How a label can make your brand a standout and enable commercial success