Blog | 09/17/2020 07:27:53 | 3 min Read time

Sustainable packaging solutions are helping the food industry create a smarter future

Pascal Oliveira

Director, Global Business Development, Food, UPM Raflatac

The climate is changing all the time, but what we are now seeing is more dramatic than ever before. Food brands are under pressure due to increasing concerns over their industry’s impact on the environment.

Fortunately, the food industry has access to new solutions to make a difference and mitigate climate change by moving towards more sustainable packaging. There are numerous new science-based solutions that brand owners and retailers can use to support a circular economy.

Novel solutions to reduce carbon footprint and replace fossils

Replacing fossil-based raw materials and reducing the carbon footprint of packages are concrete goals that many food brands are trying to reach. To realize these aspirations, you can opt for our novel UPM Raflatac SmartChoice labeling solutions like UPM Raflatac RAFNXT+ for creating sustainable paper labels with third-party verification of your positive climate impact, and UPM Raflatac Forest Film™ for creating plastic labels made from renewable materials.

The RAFNXT+ range is a solid way to take positive climate action. It’s the world’s first label material verified by the Carbon Trust to reduce carbon footprint and help mitigate climate change. It offers superior carbon performance through smarter use and choice of natural resources. The paper label materials are sourced from responsibly managed FSC™ certified forests and other controlled sources (FSC-C012530). Compared to standard labels, the range uses less raw materials, energy and water, and generates less waste during its life cycle.


The positive impact that you can achieve by choosing RAFNXT+ instead of standard label materials is quantified with a science-based model* verified by the Carbon Trust. The model quantifies the impact - the carbon emission reduction and the forests’ increased capacity to remove carbon from the atmosphere.

Did you know that plastic labels can now help reduce your carbon footprint and go beyond fossils? Forest Film is the world’s first wood-based polypropylene plastic label material made from 100 percent renewable raw materials. It’s a drop-in solution that you can use to seamlessly replace your current label materials, as it looks and acts exactly like conventional fossil-based plastic films.

This innovative label material is made in an ISCC certified value chain. Switching to Forest Film from a conventional plastic label significantly reduces the carbon footprint of your package, because every ton of Forest Film used in packaging reduces one ton of fossil raw materials.

Helping food companies make smart and sustainable choices

At UPM Raflatac, we take pride in working through science and data – and you are naturally invited to utilize our expertise.

Our Label Life Service** is a prime example of our science-based approach. It offers credible information on the environmental performance of our labels, enabling you to make well-informed, sustainable choices with consideration to greenhouse gas emissions, water and energy consumption.

If you wish to reduce the carbon footprint of your food packaging with sustainable packaging solutions, we are here to help.

Take positive climate action now and join us on the journey towards a more sustainable future beyond fossils!


Read more about sustainable food packaging


*The calculation model is in accordance to the international greenhouse gas accounting standard PAS2050.

**Label Life is performed in accordance with ISO 14040/44 and PAS2050 standards


Pascal Oliveira

Pascal Oliveira

Director, Global Business Development, Food, UPM Raflatac | “It is not only about what contribution we make as a business, but also as individuals.”
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