W ostatnich latach otrzymaliśmy wiele prestiżowych nagród i wyróżnień. Więcej dowiesz się poniżej.
W ostatnich latach otrzymaliśmy wiele prestiżowych nagród i wyróżnień. Więcej dowiesz się poniżej.
Sustainable Award
UPM Raflatac Americas reached the remarkable milestone of receiving the Socially Responsible Company (ESR-Empresa Socialmente Responsable) award for the 10th consecutive year! This prestigious award recognizes companies for their unwavering commitment to ethical practices, active community engagement, and dedication to sustainable development.
Packaging Award
The Supplier of the Year award at the Pentawards 2024 competition was introduced this year for the first time, and it celebrates the pivotal role that packaging manufacturers and suppliers play in transforming design concepts into impactful, real-world packaging projects.
Sustainable Packaging
The SPC Innovator Awards recognize meaningful contributions and advancements towards more sustainable packaging. The awards showcase the outstanding collaboration behind extraordinary advancements in sustainability.
Packaging award
The awards recognize the latest advancements in packaging design and technology and create a living standard of international packaging excellence from which others may learn. This year, the WorldStar winners were selected from 435 entries from 41 countries.
Sustainability Award
This award is for a specific sustainable product or process by a supplier, converter company or end users in the label industry introduced from 1 January 2022 to 31 March 2023.
Business Award
These businesses are doing more: overcoming challenges, reaching beyond past successes, taking their business to the next level, creating jobs, and giving back.
Sustainability Award
This award acknowledges TLMI members that have made significant strides in environmental and social aspects of sustainability.
Business Award
We received an award for our efforts in supporting the Papermill that closed in Canton. We reached out to the employees who lost their jobs and offered them positions at UPM. Eventually, we ended up hiring 12 former Papermill employees.
Sustainable Packaging
Coordinated by the Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP), the PIDA awards are designed to recognize companies and individuals who are making a significant difference in their field across Australia and New Zealand.
Sustainable Packaging
Organized by International Packaging Innovation Forum (IPIF), the "Blue Planet" sustainable packaging award is dedicated to packaging innovation and sustainable development. The competition collects outstanding sustainable packaging products and innovative packaging solutions all over the world.
Sustainable Packaging
Organized by the China Plastics Reuse and Recycling Association (CPRRA), the competition rewards companies that innovate in the field of recyclability and innovation.
Pharmaceutical Packaging
InnoPack Awards is a famous award in Pharmaceutical industry and this award is sponspored by CPHI, which is a global Pharma Expo organization. Our Forest Film™ by UPM Raflatac labeling solution received this award for sustainability innovation in pharma packaging.
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