Food safety legislation for Europe


Our food safety teams and labeling experts support printers and brand owners in Europe by ensuring that we have solid food safety processes in place:

  1. Our ISO 22000:2018 certificate demonstrates we meet Good Manufacturing Practices requirements
  2. Our ISO 9001:2015 certificate demonstrates that our systems, processes and tools manage our quality performance and provide the requested traceability of the product
  3. Our product combination DoCs show required safety information

Good manufacturing practice

UPM Raflatac is the first self-adhesive laminate supplier to have all units in Europe certified according to the ISO 22000:2018 food safety standard. This certificate ensures that the products are designed and manufactured according to the European Good Manufacturing Practice Regulation (EU) No 2023/2006. The management systems are certified and regularly audited by a third-party auditing company and confirm our continuous effort to build a food safety culture into the DNA of our operation.


European Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 concerns food contact materials

Our label material range for food complies with the European Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004. This framework regulation applies to all food contact packaging materials in the area and ensures that all materials used for food contact do not transfer substances to the food in quantities large enough to:

  • endanger human health
  • cause unacceptable changes to the composition of the food
  • weaken the properties of food regarding how it looks, tastes or smells

Paper labels and boards must comply with the Framework Regulation EC No 1935/2004, GMP-regulation and other relevant national legislations throughout Europe. Other components of a label or board – such as the adhesive or a plastic coating – must comply with the applicable parts of the Plastics Regulation.

Contact our food labeling experts for further compliance information and individual Declaration of Compliance (DoC) documents on each product combination regarding UPM Raflatac paper and board materials for food.


Food safety certificates, policies and resources


Contact our food labeling experts for further information about compliance or to receive a copy of our individual Declaration of Compliance (DoC) documents for each product component.


Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 concerns packaging containing plastics

Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 is a legal obligation that minimizes the risk of food contamination from any plastic layer of the packaging. Direct food labels with a plastic layer and all film labels applied to primary packaging must be supplied with Declarations of Compliance (DoCs) stating the conformance to relevant legal requirements, the substances controlled by Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 and the recommended use of the product. Each company in the packaging supply chain is responsible for sharing DoCs for its products with key partners.

Contact our food labeling experts for further compliance information and individual Declaration of Compliance (DoC) documents for each product combination regarding UPM Raflatac filmic laminates.


Direct food labeling

Labeling directly onto food places unique demands on your choice of label products. Most importantly, you need labels that are safe for their intended use. Direct food labeling also applies to a diverse range of requirements, including ambient-temperature or chilled storage, smooth or rough surfaces, and dry or wet conditions.

Labels that fall into this category are either placed directly onto foods, like fruit brand labels, or onto packaging that must meet direct food-contact requirements, such as packaging with thin barriers or micro perforations. UPM Raflatac leads the industry with products that stand up to the various demands of direct food contact while at the same time complying with applicable EU regulations for food labeling for their intended use.

Waste to Resource Program: Unlocking high-value recycling of PET bottles with UPM Raflatac RW85C wash-off labels
Story | 8 min

Waste to Resource Program: Unlocking high-value recycling of PET bottles with UPM Raflatac RW85C wash-off labels

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From science to action: how LCA data helps generate business in the changing labeling industry
Story | 4 min

From science to action: how LCA data helps generate business in the changing labeling industry

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Exploring the impacts of PPWR – Product design perspective
Story | 3 min

Exploring the impacts of PPWR – Product design perspective

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