The future of packaging design

Download our unique guide to learn how different trends will shape the future of packaging and design for years to come.


The world of packaging is going through fundamental change, the likes of which we have never seen before. So, where do we go from here? How will people interact with and experience packaging in the future? What are the trends to look out for?


Download the guide to the definitive trends that will shape packaging design in the new normal. We open up and dissect the searing issues set to impact brands and designers over the upcoming months and years, including:

  • The impact of e-commerce on packaging design
  • An ongoing shift toward sustainable materials
  • Taking design to the next level with art
  • Farm-to-fork packaging trends

And much more.

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Get a first-hand account from industry leaders including:



Adam Ryan, Head of Pentawards

“It is a golden opportunity for brands and designers to make a once-in-a-lifetime difference. They have the chance to turn the rules of packaging design around and create something that is sustainable, connected and, most importantly – creates new experiences for consumers.”


Eliisa Laurikainen, Business Development Manager at UPM Raflatac

“The package is the first point of communication with the consumer. People are really concerned about the whole issue of climate change and the excess use of materials, and that puts the focus on brand owners to allay these concerns and show that there is a sustainable way of going about it.”


Jenny Greenwood, Innovation & Sustainability Manager at Butterfly Cannon

“You have to make sure your package looks the best when it arrives at the consumer’s door. You have to make sure that entire experience is top-notch, because that’s associated with your brand. But there is so much opportunity to use your packaging as a portal and expand the consumer experience.”


Richard Walzer, Head of Design (EMEA) at Mars Wrigley

“Consumption has switched online, from impulsive to planned purchasing. The question is, how can you create something that consumers desire and are willing to wait for? The online store elevates what you can buy. More experiential products are coming online, and we will have to create different offerings for the online space”.


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Waste to Resource Program: Unlocking high-value recycling of PET bottles with UPM Raflatac RW85C wash-off labels
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Waste to Resource Program: Unlocking high-value recycling of PET bottles with UPM Raflatac RW85C wash-off labels

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Enhancing sustainability in pharmaceutical packaging

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